Our team
Get to know the team behind the United World Games!

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Lisi is our media officer and not only provides the domestic and foreign press with reliable information, but also looks after our sponsors as well as local partners and supporters of the games. She plans and coordinates our grand opening ceremony, takes care of the photographer and film teams, welcomes VIP guests and ensures that the live streams work during the event. She does all this with a smile on her face and an uncompromisingly positive attitude, which she infects others with.

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Our Sebi is a prime example of determination and commitment: From a participant in the UWG tennis competition, he became a volunteer, from a volunteer to an intern, from an intern to a fully-fledged member of the organizing team. In the meantime, Sebi takes care of all the UWG’s financial matters. Since 2018, he has also been the tournament director of our tennis competition (which brings us full circle). When in doubt, Sebi can always be found on the tennis court – if he’s not coaching children and young people or excelling in the championships, he’s probably giving a lesson to one of his colleagues from the UWG organization team!

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Alex has been an integral part of the organizing team since 2012 and, together with Clemens, is responsible for coordinating the sporting competitions on the one hand and for team acquisition and raising awareness of the UWG on the other. He communicates with teams, referees, staff, sports venues and local tournament directors and, as a roadshow veteran, carries the UWG spirit out into the world. Alex is reliability personified and, as a great sports enthusiast with a passion for languages and cultures, has played a key role in the development of the UWG.

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Franziskus “Fifi” Bertl represents the Games in an official capacity as President of our organization, especially in the USA, where he heads our North American Chapter. Franziskus is one of the founding fathers of the UWG and is primarily active in areas such as international relations, global marketing, volunteer support and VIP hosting. He likes to put on his lederhosen and entertains our athletes at the Oktoberfest.

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